Message from Lecturer
Since the MPEP was first published in 1948, it has gone through nine editions, and almost every edition has gone through numerous revisions. The ninth edition of the MPEP, published in March 2014, has already been revised four times. The latest revisions to the MPEP were made in August of 2017, and published in January of this year.
So, in my seminar this time, I'll review what changes made in the January 2018 revision are noteworthy for everyone involved in translating and preparing patent specificaitions for filing in the U.S. I'll also discuss patent classification systems as a resource for patent translators, and translation's impact on how U.S. examiners conduct prior-art searches.
And I'll discuss trends in how USPTO examiners are applying § 112 in interpreting claims, and applying § 101 in making "judicial exception" rejections. About the latter, I'll discuss the latest USPTO guidance, which just came out last spring, and also try to give everyone a handle on the so-called Alice test.
As a U.S. patent agent, my job is to know the MPEP as full-course, heavy meals; as a U.S. patent agent in Japan, my professional pleasure is to teach the MPEP as easy-to-digest, nutritional snacks!
James W. Judge
j-pat翻訳合同会社 代表
1985 米国プリンストン大学卒業(比較文学専攻)
1996-1997 さらに大学にて物理学、上級生物学の単位取得
1998 米国パテント・エージェント登録
1989-1996 特許事務所にてパラリーガル、翻訳者として勤務
1998-2001 再来日し、同特許事務所に米国パテント・エージェントとして勤務
2001 独立し、特許明細書翻訳業務、米国特許申請の直接出願及びその後の特許査定までの手続きを担うサービスを開始。
2016 ハブス・エナツキー・イノウエ外国法事務弁護士法人に所属
英語 日本語 スペイン語
Since the MPEP was first published in 1948, it has gone through nine editions, and almost every edition has gone through numerous revisions. The ninth edition of the MPEP, published in March 2014, has already been revised four times. The latest revisions to the MPEP were made in August of 2017, and published in January of this year.
So, in my seminar this time, I'll review what changes made in the January 2018 revision are noteworthy for everyone involved in translating and preparing patent specificaitions for filing in the U.S. I'll also discuss patent classification systems as a resource for patent translators, and translation's impact on how U.S. examiners conduct prior-art searches.
And I'll discuss trends in how USPTO examiners are applying § 112 in interpreting claims, and applying § 101 in making "judicial exception" rejections. About the latter, I'll discuss the latest USPTO guidance, which just came out last spring, and also try to give everyone a handle on the so-called Alice test.
As a U.S. patent agent, my job is to know the MPEP as full-course, heavy meals; as a U.S. patent agent in Japan, my professional pleasure is to teach the MPEP as easy-to-digest, nutritional snacks!
James W. Judge
j-pat翻訳合同会社 代表
1985 米国プリンストン大学卒業(比較文学専攻)
1996-1997 さらに大学にて物理学、上級生物学の単位取得
1998 米国パテント・エージェント登録
1989-1996 特許事務所にてパラリーガル、翻訳者として勤務
1998-2001 再来日し、同特許事務所に米国パテント・エージェントとして勤務
2001 独立し、特許明細書翻訳業務、米国特許申請の直接出願及びその後の特許査定までの手続きを担うサービスを開始。
2016 ハブス・エナツキー・イノウエ外国法事務弁護士法人に所属
英語 日本語 スペイン語